The Projects

The Poetic Journey

We have the power to heal,

even over the things we once couldn’t feel or deal with.

Within each and every one of us is the ability

to address the brokenness,

the pain, the rejection and

the emotional drain.

It came close, but it did not kill you!

You shattered in many pieces,

but not a single one was dust….

You can be put back together again!

POET…you have





April is National Poetry Month

April 30th, is going to be one amazing way to celebrate National Poetry Month at Signature Events. It is the culmination of a 3 year project t P. O. E. T ( Power Over Emotional Trauma) that you won’t want to miss. Some will tell their journey, from how they got from point a to point B, when the pain of the divorce, the death, the child abuse, was bigger than them…. For some they are still walking through that process and there is an experience in the room you won’t want to miss. If you attended any of the Poet workshops over these past three years, if you’ve had a story and wanted told, we are listening, if you have told your story, we are celebrating with you. Is it the Poetry? Is it the swag bags? Is it the food?  Is it the band of women healing together?…… it’s the you, look for the event brite & secure your no cost ticket. This is an experience waiting for you. #poweroveremotionaltrauma #poetlaureate #aprilisnationalpoetrymonth